The study examined teacher's communication competence and effective lesson delivery using English language teachers in Obanliku Local government of Cross River State as a case study. Specifically, the study seeks to investigate if communication is so central and indispensable in the English Language lesson delivery process, determine the role of teachers communication competency during English Language lesson delivery process, determine the extent in which English Language teachers has communicated effectively during lesson delivery process, and investigate if there is any significant effect of teachers communication competence on students academic performance in English Language. Thus, a descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for this study comprised of all English language teacher in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State, while a total of 100 respondents comprising of teachers and students were random selected across the secondary schools to serve as the sample of the study. A self constructed questionnaire titled teacher's communication competence and effective lesson delivery using English language teachers in Obanliku Local government of Cross River State as a case study questionnaire was the instrument used to gather relevant data for the study. However, three research hypotheses were postulated and analysed using the mathematically method. The study revealed that teacher communication competency is very essential for the effective delivery of lesson in English Language. Also the teacher should make use of relevant material for effective delivery of lesson process, likewise for effective communication competency teacher should be able to control the wise factor arises around the school environment. The teacher should be good in communication during lesson delivery process for effective teaching and excellent performance of students. Hence, it is recommended that government should endeavour to make educational finance for the provision of different educational infrastructure facilities and equipments especially provision of communication equipments. Also, teachers should adopt effective communication techniques, through their gestures, body languages, tones and method through which they pass as instructions as this often determine the way which student understand the concept under study.
Background of the study
The significance of effective communication in the daily lives of individuals has remained constant and continues to be of utmost importance.The central position of its place is not limited to the formal organisation, but extends to every society of human beings. The significance of this matter is now amplified given the current state of global interconnectedness resulting from advancements in modern technology (Jude, 2021). The effectiveness of communication may be impeded by any existing gap (Amara, 2019).
Communication competency can be conceptualised as the effective transmission of a message, wherein there exists a mutual comprehension and shared understanding among the various contextual factors within which the communication occurs (Smith, 2018). Furthermore, the communication competency of teachers plays a crucial role in effectively delivering education to students (McCarthy & Carter, 2001). Communication competency encompasses various skills, including active listening, effective speaking, proficient reading, and proficient writing. In order to facilitate effective instruction, it is imperative that educators possess a high level of proficiency in all of these domains. Teachers who possess effective communication skills have the ability to facilitate comprehension and simplify complex concepts (Silver, 2015). The proficiency in effective communication is of utmost significance for educators in facilitating the dissemination of knowledge, maintaining classroom order, and fostering meaningful engagement with students within the educational setting. The teacher is required to instruct students who possess varying cognitive perspectives. In order to effectively instruct students based on their individual abilities and capacities, educators must employ communication techniques that inspire and engage students in their educational journey (Bee, 2012). Effective communication skills are a fundamental requirement for both academic achievement and professional success in life. The teacher employs oral communication as the primary method for delivering instructions to students within the classroom setting. Teachers who lack effective communication skills can negatively impact students' ability to learn and hinder their academic progress. Students must recognise that determining what is right and wrong is contingent upon the communication competence of the teachers they encounter in the classroom (Morreale et al., 2015)). According to Pearson (2000), effective communication strategies can help mitigate the risk of fostering negative emotions in the context of educational instruction. In order to acquire knowledge, it is imperative that the learner demonstrates attentiveness towards their instructor during the lecture. According to Loss (2000), it is advisable for teachers to effectively communicate in a manner that is both clear and easily comprehensible.
Statement of the problem
Effective communication is a crucial aspect of the teaching-learning situation within a school environment. Within the educational system, a significant proportion of students experience academic failure not due to inherent cognitive limitations or a lack of preparedness for learning, but rather as a result of inadequate communication by certain teachers in the classroom. This issue is further compounded by the frequent utilisation of a secondary or foreign language as the medium of instruction, which is unfamiliar to the students.According to a study conducted by Ehindero and Ajibade (2000), as cited in Alamgir et al. (2017), effective teaching necessitates the possession of strong communication competencies by teachers. These competencies encompass proficient communication skills, effective classroom management, continuous knowledge updating, and the maintenance of a favourable personality. Effective teaching requires the acquisition of fundamental teaching skills.
Effective communication plays a pivotal and indispensable role in the process of teaching and learning within the classroom setting. According to Jude (2021), teachers in the classroom must possess effective communication skills in order to effectively convey their ideas and facilitate the process of learning, ultimately leading to the achievement of educational goals and objectives within the school setting. The suboptimal academic performance of students in primary schools can be attributed, in part, to the inadequate communication skills exhibited by teachers. Consequently, the desired outcomes of effective teaching and learning are not realised.
Communication is not solely limited to the act of transmitting a message; rather, it encompasses the receiver's comprehension of the message being transmitted by the sender. Effective communication in the classroom entails the deliberate efforts made by the teacher to guide students in comprehending and interpreting ideas or concepts in alignment with the intended instructional objectives. In order to facilitate effective learning within the classroom, it is imperative that students possess a well-defined understanding and interpretation of the teacher's instructional methods.
Hence, this study aims to investigate the communication competence of English language teachers and their ability to deliver effective lessons. The specific focus of this research is on teachers in Obanliku Local Government of Cross River State, chosen as a representative case study.
Objective of the study
The main focus of this study is to examine teacher's communication competence and effective lesson delivery using English language teachers in Obanliku Local government of Cross River State as a case study. Other specific objectives are:
Research Questions
The following research question guide the study
Research hypothesis
Hi: Teachers communication competency has a significant positive effect on student academic performance in English Language
H0: Teachers communication competency has no significant positive effect on student academic performance in English Language
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